Cher once said that if a
great body came in a bottle, everyone would have one. That comment also resonated with me because it’s true.
For most people,
their Achilles’ heel is their weight -- and many are on an unending quest to watch
that scale veer left. So why then do so many of us fail? The answer is exactly what
Cher inferred in her quote -- we want a quick fix. We’re in search of the miracle
“pill” that will enable us to shed 20 pounds in a week, without exercise and with minimal
changes, if any, to diet.
I don’t care what the cover of this month's issue of Vogue or Cosmopolitan magazine teases or promises -- it isn't happening. The answer
to weight loss is “fewer calories in and more calories out.” That’s the secret
recipe … only it isn't so secret -- just inconvenient and a drain for many of
us to hear.
When it comes to weight loss, why do people even think short cuts will yield
long-term, sustainable results? They don’t in any other area of our lives.
Would anyone suggest that career growth and success can be earned without motivation,
determination, hard work and a time commitment? Those who believe they’ll walk
into a job straight out of college and be handed the title of CEO and a
6-figure salary are in for rude awakenings (unless, of course, they're Trumps!)
Now let’s talk time. Many people, especially moms (and I am one), like to
blame not exercising on time, specifically that they don’t have any. We all
recognize that moms are on 24/7. But if you’re saying you don’t have 30 minutes
everyday to walk or run or train on the elliptical, you’re lying to yourself. And
I know because in the past I have told myself that lie! We all go through ruts
but it’s important while we’re in them to understand why and how we got there
so we can work our way out.
If you have time to check Facebook, chat with a friend, write personal e-mails, watch television, etc. then you have time to spend nurturing your
Think of it this way -- you would never say you didn't have time to
feed your infant. Regular exercise feeds
your body. More than that, it feeds your soul. It benefits you emotionally and mentally.
It increases your confidence and self-esteem. It makes you a better parent, friend, worker, spouse and lover. It enables you to excel in every area of your life.
All great achievements require time, that includes weight loss. And optimizing
your health/fitness offers a bigger payoff than any other accomplishments you’re
likely to experience -- it adds years and quality of living to your life.
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